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4 tips when completing the caregiver information form

July 22, 2021

Getting ready for court? Here are 4 tips when completing your caregiver information form! ⁠

Here is some language to bring some of these elements to life: ⁠

"Child is not meeting developmental milestones for speech and gross motor. Early intervention services are needed." ⁠

"Child has adjusted well to the living arrangement, with a clear understanding of the schedule and participates in family activities (games, dinners, cooking, etc.)."⁠

"The child no longer suffers from nightmares or constant nighttime wakeups." ⁠

"According to their doctor, the child is meeting height and weight benchmarks and has no decay as noted from dental appointments." ⁠

"The child enjoys family activities and has fostered healthy relationships with peers at school." ⁠

"Child is being assessed for an IEP and the meeting is set for DATE." ⁠

If you need help filling in the form, please don't hesitate to reach out! ⁠